2022 Columbia Summit on Indian Economy
About the Summit
On March 31-April 2nd, Columbia University's Raj Center will host Columbia Indian Economy Summit.
This will be the second Columbia Indian Economy Summit which brings together academics, business leaders and policy makers to discuss Indian economic policies, reforms and their impact. Spread over three 3-hour online sessions on March 31 to April 2 (9:00am to 12 noon ET), the conference will feature four policy papers by distinguished academics, two policy panels and two "In Conversation" events. Subjects include overall macro and grwoth propsects, issues in health policy, evaluation of India's new bankruptcy law, role of industrial parks in development, India's digital economy, financial sector, free trade agreements and trade policy, privatization of banks and a lot more.
All sessions will be held on Zoom, which allows audience members to attend from around the world. Please register for the event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMudO-prz8rGt0KfBNxDLthIdFmEfTMs3oI